金曜日, 3月 09, 2007

新しい ベイト ショップ

新しい すしとてりやき レストラン が あります。 木曜日のばんごはん には あそこ に たべました。 日本のレストラン でわ ありません、けど。 レストランのかざり は ちゅうごくの です。 

あの たべもの は まあまあ でした。 せんちゃ でわ ありません でした。

4 件のコメント:

Marshdrifter さんのコメント...

"New Bait Shop"

There's a new sushi and teriyaki restaurant. I ate there for Thursday's dinner. It's not a Japanese restaurant, though. The restaurant's decorations are Chinese.

The food was ok. They didn't have sencha.

colin さんのコメント...

新しい すしとてりやき レストラン が あります。

Interesting thing here, you could say 新しいレストランができました where できる carries the meaning of "is done" or "is finished". It's a pretty common way to say this. Not that あります is necessarily wrong. Another option is 新しいレストランが開店しました。 I'm avoiding saying "new sushi and teriyaki restaurant" because it sound awkward to me, for some reason, but I don't really know why.

ばんごはん には あそこ に たべました。

I think this puts too much emphasis on the fact that you were eating supper, as opposed to some other meal (perhaps implying that it wouldn't be entirely safe to eat breakfast or lunch at such a place). Also, since the restaurant is the place where the action happened as opposed to the target or destination of the action, I would use あそこで食べました instead of あそこに.

日本のレストラン でわ ありません、けど。

This sounds more like "It's not a Japanese restaurant, but..." Another way to put it would be 但し、本当の日本のレストランではありません。 (Also remember the wa in dewa arimasen is は.) I'd write something like どう見ても日本のレストランに見えませんけど。(OK, it's hard to tell when けど would be appropriate or not.)

あの たべもの は まあまあ でした。

You could leave off the あの or even たべものは. It would be understood.

せんちゃ でわ ありません でした。

This means "It wasn't sencha." You should say 煎茶はありませんでした or 煎茶はなかったです.

Marshdrifter さんのコメント...
Marshdrifter さんのコメント...

Damn you Groupee tags!

Let's try that again...

I'm avoiding saying "new sushi and teriyaki restaurant" because it sound awkward to me, for some reason, but I don't really know why.

It sounds weird to me too, but they call themselves a "sushi and teriyaki restaurant".

This means "It wasn't sencha."
It wasn't! It tasted like flowers!!! Imagine my shock when I ordered tea and it tasted like flowers!

But... I get your point.

BTW, I have a draft working about having seen anime, but I don't know when it'll be finished. I'm going on a small trip this weekend. Plus, I'm at a loss for certain terms usually used when discussing anime (character, plot, animation, art, &c. &c.).
