土曜日, 12月 02, 2006


十一月 に ただ ポスト 二つ だけ でした! 毎日、 ポドカスト を 聞きます、でも ポスト を 書きません。 時間 が ありません。そして、書く が たくさん 時間 を かかります。

2 件のコメント:

Marshdrifter さんのコメント...

There were only two posts in November! Everyday, I listen to podcasts, but don't write posts. There isn't time, and writing takes a lot of time.

colin さんのコメント...

I wouldn't have said 「ただ」 in that first sentence. I think it means something like "I was expecting more, but..." and usually implies that you are happy that it turned out to be less. Of course, this could all be just my misguided assumptions.
